Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators

Supporting Regional Educational Service Agencies

The ISD Perspective 

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Statement on HJR H

The Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and the Michigan Association for StudentOpportunity issued the following statement today regarding the introduction of House Joint Resolution H.

"We appreciate Rep. Tim Kelly introducing House Joint Resolution H today, removing university operating budgets from the School AidFund..."

Statement on HJR H

The Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and the Michigan Association for StudentOpportunity issued the following statement today regarding the introduction of House Joint Resolution H.

"We appreciate Rep. Tim Kelly introducing House Joint Resolution H today, removing university operating budgets from the School AidFund..."

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