Board Organizational Goals

Develop and support strong connections among our membership of superintendents and first-line administrators


  1. MAISA will continue to invest in and expand our Leadership Networks.
  2. MAISA will commit to expanding research supported instructional practices in all classrooms across the state.
  3. MAISA will expand support for new ISD superintendents.


  • Coordinate leadership and formalize systems across MAISA Leadership Networks
  • Leverage Leadership Networks to support our Early Literacy and Early Math Grants
  • Launch a Leadership Network for New ISD Superintendents
  • Work with CTE groups to strengthen the connection with MAISA

Continue to be a leader in collaboration with MDE and other Educational Organizations


  1. MAISA will foster effective and meaningful collaboration among and between MAISA and MDE.
  2. MAISA will build partnerships with other state organizations and governmental agencies that advance the priorities of the association.


  • Engage in MDE/MAISA Joint Partnership Coordinating Committee
  • Explore and collaborate with MDE in supporting: Mental Health, Literacy, Mathematics, and School Accountability
  • Provide leadership and coordinate development for MICIP
  • Integrate research practice to strengthen special education outcomes

Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the growing needs of the association and its staff


  1. MAISA will manage available resources and assets efficiently, cost-effectively, and equitably.
  2. MAISA will recruit and retain high-quality employees.
  3. MAISA will provide oversight for expenditure of grant funds and activities.


  • Identify and adopt policies and procedures to support healthy fiscal management
  • Develop human resource systems to manage staff
  • Provide growth opportunities and feedback for all staff by strengthening the evaluation process
  • Develop scope of work for grant projects
  • Create systems to enhance MAISA’s ability to capture revenue from projects

Advocate for policy and legislative action that supports schools and enhances student achievement


  1. MAISA will monitor the political climate in Michigan and advocate for policies that support the association’s membership.


  • Work with the Board of Directors to prioritize lobbying efforts around topics such as: Stopping Vouchers, Funding Equity, and continued support for MAISA Legislative asks
  • Provide legislative talking points that members can use to advocate in their region

Provide leadership in developing world-class educational opportunities in Michigan


  1. MAISA will explore innovative and impactful learning models to support all Michigan learners.


  • Enhance connections between MiStrategyBank, PromisingPracticeExchange, and other MAISA applications
  • Identify and support capacity-building systems that enhance the work of ISDs