Statement on HJR H
The Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and the Michigan Association for StudentOpportunity issued the following statement today regarding the introduction of House Joint Resolution H.
"We appreciate Rep. Tim Kelly introducing House Joint Resolution H today, removing university operating budgets from the School AidFund..."
Statement on HJR H
The Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and the Michigan Association for StudentOpportunity issued the following statement today regarding the introduction of House Joint Resolution H.
"We appreciate Rep. Tim Kelly introducing House Joint Resolution H today, removing university operating budgets from the School AidFund..."
MACUL 2025 (Detroit, MI)
The annual Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference will be held in Detroit, MI, from March 19-21, 2025. Members of the MAISA team will be in attendance and have a booth in the exhibition area.
If you are attending MACUL, please stop by booth #619 and visit the MASIA team!
23h Improving Mathematical Teaching and Learning Grant
MAISA's consortium application for the 23h - Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning Grant was accepted by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) at a reduced rate of $10.4 million!