Formed in October 2016, the Michigan Education Technology Leaders (METL) consists primarily of ISD/ESA/RESA senior technology leaders from across the state. The idea behind METL is how to organize and align our collective efforts to work both on issues that we all hold in common and also those larger, transformative, statewide, and systemic issues.
METL meets monthly as a group, but also works collaboratively in liaison roles with other organizations and within a variety of standing and ad hoc working groups.
The following serve as the METL Excecutive Council
Chair: Mark Quaderer (Saginaw ISD)
Chair Elect: Josh Hayes ( K12 ETA)
Secretary: Damian Koob (Van Buren ISD)
Trustee/Secretary-Elect: Brian Schupbach (Kalamazoo RESA)
Trustee: Mike Lilly (Ingham ISD)
Trustee: Brandi Reynolds (Northwest Education Services)
Mission & Vision
Vision for the Future
The Michigan Education Technology Leaders will be a proactive, key decision-making group that fosters collaboration and efficiencies on projects, issues and policy regarding technology in education.
METL’s mission is to provide leadership and direction focused on technology in education among Michigan’s ISDs/RESAs.