Michigan Collaboration Hub (MiCH)

Background Information:

The Michigan Collaboration Hub (MiCH) includes the sustainable work created by the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) and subsequent initiatives in partnership with the Michigan DataHub and various strategic partners and ISDs. These projects include:

  • EduPaths
  • MI Open Book Project
  • MiRead
  • MiStrategyBank
  • MIEWIMS (Early Warning and Intervention System)
  • MICIP (Michigan's Integrated Continuous Improvement Process)
  • MiConnect
  • MiCoachCompass
  • MiPromisingPractices
  • MiCH IT
    • State Education Network (MiSEN)
    • Michigan Data Hub
    • MiSecure
    • MiServiceDesk
    • MiCH Development
  • START (STatewide Autism Research and Training Center) Data System
  • MiSERC (Special Education Resource Center)
  • Consolidation of Services Feasibility Study Grants
    • MiCloud
    • MiServiceDesk
    • Network Operations Center
    • MiSEN, Underserved Districts 
    • MiGreatDataLake


The Michigan Collaboration hub believes we best meet the needs of all students by working together.


The Vision of the Michigan Collaboration Hub is to deliver innovative solutions serving the diverse needs of public education.


The Mission of the Michigan Collaboration Hub is to leverage the collective resources of Michigan's ISDs and strategic partners to create innovative solutions for public education. 

Steering Committee Members:

Amanda Stoel, Michigan Dept. of Education

Dave Judd, Michigan Dept. of Education

Darren Schiltz, Director of Technology, Dickinson Iron ISD

Glen Finkel, Director of Technology, Kent ISD

Carol Greilick, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, Northwest Education Services

Heidi Kattula, Superintendent, East Grand Rapids Public Schools

Gina Loveless, Michigan Department of Education

Kurt Rheaume, Director of Technology, Wayne RESA, METL Chair

Michelle Saunders, Executive Director of Financial Services, Oakland Schools

Brian Schupbach, Assistant Superintendent for Technology, Kalamazoo RESA

Luke Wittum, Assistant Superintendent - Tech & Media, Genesee ISD

Tammy Evans, Director, Michigan DataHub and MiCH IT

Tom Johnson, Director of MiCH, MAISA

Questions on how to collaborate?

Profile Photo

Tom Johnson
