Early Mathematics Task Force

The MAISA Mathematics Task Force is a subcommittee of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) General Education Leadership Network (GELN).


  • Create a cohesive direction for mathematics education in Michigan

  • Develop a common understanding of how to strengthen early mathematics instruction across the state

  • Inform practice, professional learning, school improvement plans

  • Enhance existing instruction


Looking for more information?

Check out MathEssentials.org for all things regarding the Math Essential documents (below).



Order Booklets and Materials

We have several Essential booklets available for download or purchase. Please feel free to download the documents and print them in-house, or you can order them through International Minute Press. These booklets can be purchased by districts from International Minute Press at (517) 323-7777 or by emailing lansing-mi@intlminutepress.com. 


early math essentials cover image Prekindergarten to Grade 5 Early Math Essentials - The Early Math Essential Practices ready to be printed. When ordering from International Minute Press, request the "PreK-5th Grade Math Essentials Booklet". Prices TBD.



GELN essentials cover image GELN Essentials (Essential Practices in Math and Literacy) - This compilation of the Essential Practices includes all Literacy Essentials, all Math Essentials, and all Organizational Practices Essentials. When ordering from International Minute Press, request the "GELN Essentials Booklet". Books with no tabs are $15.00 per book. Books with tabs are $19.00 per book.


organizational practices cover image Organizational Practices Essentials (Essential Practices in Early Math & Literacy) - This compilation of the Essential Practices includes the Early Math Essentials, Early Literacy Essentials (Prekindergarten to Grade 5) plus Literacy Coaching, and all Organizational Practices Essentials. When ordering from International Minute Press, request the "Organizational Practices Booklet". Books with no tabs are $7.11 per book. Books with tabs are $9.96 per book.

Roadway Detective Activity Sheet (11x17 inches) - Anyone can be a Roadway Detective! Share this activity with young children and encourage them to find the items in the environment around them. This is a great activity when you're on-the-go, or enjoying some time outside. 


Also available for purchase through International Minute Press are our Early Math Ten Frame Cards! These decks cost $4.70 each. Please contact IMP for more information.



Profile Photo

Jill Ball

Voting Member
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Rusty Anderson

Project Director
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Kim Fox