23h Improving Mathematical Teaching and Learning Grant

MAISA's consortium application for the 23h - Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning Grant was accepted by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) at a reduced rate of $10.4 million!
"We are excited to share that the Section 23h consortium application organized by GELN was accepted by MDE! The application includes 46 ISDs, 66 local districts, and over 2100 classroom teachers. The award will support the teaching and learning of elementary mathematics in partnership with Local Districts, ISDs, the MAISA Early Math Team, GELN Early Math Task Force, and our Higher Education partners," said Rusty Anderson, MAISA Early Math Project Director. "We look forward to putting this funding to work on behalf of our children in Michigan!"
Highlights of the modified budget:
- ISD Early Math Specialists: $140k per year (June 2024 through September 2025) and totaling $7.26 million
- Funding for a professional learning system for the Early Math Specialists
- Funding for local district professional learning
What is next?
- Build out the timeline and plan with the modified reduced budget
- Google form will be emailed out soon to capture ISD and LEA intent around the existing funds and modified plan
- A meeting was held with the GELN Executive Committee to discuss the draft plan(s) and modify as needed.