Our two days together are designed to deepen our understanding of Cognitively Guided Instruction research foundations while developing our practice of supporting other teachers to better listen and respond to children's mathematical thinking. We will engage in math learning opportunities together, analyze videos and artifacts of children's mathematical thinking, collaborate around instructional next steps, and make mathematics connections across a range of content spanning early counting, operating on single- and multi-digit numbers, and fractions/decimals.
Dates/Times: October 29-30, 2024; 8:30-3:00 | Location: Eagle Eye Banquet Center (15500 Chandler Rd, Bath Twp, MI 48808)
ISD Early Math Specialists
ISD/RESA Math Consultants
District Leaders (Coaches, Principals, Lead Teachers)
GELN Members
Facilitator: Dr. Angela Chan Turrou, Researcher | Teacher Educator, University of California, Los Angeles