2024 ISD Superintendent Early Childhood Summit

As the ISD Superintendent Early Childhood Summit rapidly approaches, we wanted to provide additional information ahead of the October 10, 2024 event.
The State of Michigan has continually put its faith in the 56 ISDs to administer and oversee the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) and other early childhood services and programs to serve our local families and communities. As the state continues to invest in systems and initiatives that expand access and equity to services and programs in early childhood, this event is a crucial opportunity to remind them that ISDs are their most valuable partners who must have a seat at the table.
We have shared the agenda for the day , created by the Early Childhood Administrators Network (ECAN) — members of your organizations.
The needs of our children and families continue to evolve with the diversification of Michigan residents and with the dramatic increase in child poverty and trauma due to the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By uniting our efforts and sharing our stories, we can support all families within our communities, ensure successful transitions into K-12, and set up all Michigan children to be successful, lifelong learners.
Registration ends on September 26, 2024!
Northern Site:
Northern Center, 1401 Presque Isle Ave, Marquette, MI 49855
Click here to register for the Northern Site
Southern Site:
Eagle Eye Golf Club, 15500 Chandler Rd, Bath Twp, MI 48808
Click here to register for the Southern Site
5.00 SCECHs can be earned by attending the Summit.