MiRead - Michigan's Early Literacy Portal
MiRead is a literacy platform that supports educators in writing reading improvement plans.
Easily identify students who may need literacy support
Quickly create Individualized Reading Improvement Plans (IRIP)
Meet requirements of Michigan's 3rd-grade reading law
Provide access to prior IRIPs when students change districts
Promote best practices and Literacy Essentials
MiRead will initially focus on supporting school efforts in managing the 3rd-grade reading law and IRIP process. However, MiRead is a long-term project designed as a comprehensive literacy portal that will grow to support students, parents, teachers, coaches, administrators, ISDs, and the entire state with increasingly comprehensive support and intelligent tools and leverage the ongoing work of literacy groups around Michigan.
Getting Started with MiRead
Districts interested in exploring MiRead should complete the
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Voices From The Field
"I really enjoy the menu options and functions of the MiRead system. The teachers have a full plate, and the more efficient the MiRead system is, the better it is for teachers and their time."
Administrator, Johannesburg-Lewiston Schools
"It [creates] a handy, easy to read, professional document to share with parents."
Teacher, Colon Community Schools
"This has been easier to use than other IRIP forms we have used in the past."
Instructional Coach, Vassar Public Schools