MI Kids Back on Track

Important Resources


Vetted High Impact Tutoring Programs

As part of MI Kids Back on Track, MAISA is vetting high-impact tutoring programs for alignment with the legislative requirements of Section 23g of the 2023-24 School Aid Act.  The following vendor-provided programs have been vetted as meeting the requirements at this time.  


We encourage Michigan school districts to use MiStrategyBank to further review the vetted high-impact tutoring programs.  MiStrategyBank contains a written description of the mode of delivery, grade levels served, content provided, sample implementation guide, training description, and other relevant information for each vetted tutoring program.  


When searching for vetted high-impact tutoring programs in MiStrategyBank, use the drop-down feature in the filter to select strategies curated by MiKidsBackonTrack (MAISA vetted).  This filter will lead directly to the detailed description of each vetted high-impact tutoring provider.  

Click here to find out more about MiStrategyBank.



Vendor Application Process 

For questions regarding this application, contact Rich Marshall, MAISA MiStrategyBank Coordinator, at rmarshall@gomaisa.org.

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Rich Marshall

Project Coordinator