Literacy Leader Network


The Michigan Literacy Leader Network is a model that supports organization-wide literacy improvements based on practices that build collective capacity for continuous improvement aligned with the Literacy Essentials. The model uses a four-phase process rooted in a deep understanding of literacy and a systems approach to capacity building, coherence, and change.

The Literacy Leader Network increases leaders’ and systems’ capacity through:

  • dentifying a clear problem of practice that elicits schoolwide focus and systemwide commitment for aligning resources and initiatives;
  • Developing a detailed implementation plan that establishes clear roles and responsibilities in supporting change while gathering efficacy data during 12-week inquiry cycles;
  • Building shared agreement through clear "Look Fors" and a common Literacy Framework;
  • Providing an assessment audit for identifying evidence that supports ongoing progress monitoring and administering (at least) monthly grade- and building-level self-assessments for leadership recalibration; and
  • Supporting leaders with using walkthroughs effectively to monitor and support teacher change.


Why will districts and their ISDs benefit from this model?

Literacy Coaching is an essential, but not sufficient, condition to make the gains we want in student achievement. Districts must build capacity and leverage the role of building principals as instructional leaders to create the organizational conditions necessary to boost the effectiveness of coaching while building the systemic support needed for improved teaching and learning.


  • Change-driven strategies are often powered by compliance and/or incentives that focus on individuals and assume they need to be pressured to change.
  • Capacity-driven strategies focus on systems and assume that the individuals and groups in the system have an intrinsic, mission-driven motivation to change that can be successful if given the proper support.
  • Using this capacity approach can help schools develop change strategies that ensure the individuals comprising the system can understand, implement, and learn from the change, and not simply execute procedures in response to pressure.


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