MiCHDev is the team of skilled application developers responsible for creating and maintaining applications available through various MAISA Service Areas.  

The 2023-24 School Aid Fund, section 12(c), awarded funds to Kalamazoo RESA to establish and implement a centralized cloud hosting environment.  Centralized cloud hosting will provide a unified and secure cloud solution for all of Michigan’s local school districts. 

The Michigan Data Hub is a collaborative, statewide effort to address challenges in managing and using school data. The work of this initiative has centered around creating an ecosystem where information is exchanged between the large number of disconnected data systems used by schools in the state based on pre-defined standards.

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The 2023-24 School Aid Fund, section 12 c, awarded Copper Country Intermediate School District funding to centralize data storage, management, and analytics for all Michigan ISDs and their member districts to foster a more data-driven approach to education. Copper Country has contracted with MAISA to manage and operate MiGreatDataLake as a statewide service.

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The 2023-24 School Aid Fund, section 97g, awarded funds to Ingham ISD to establish a statewide Security Operations Center (SOC) and fund Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services to ISDs, local districts, and PSAs.  Ingham ISD partnered with MAISA to establish the MiSecure SOC,  oversee the procurement and delivery of MDR services, and provide cybersecurity guidance for Michigan schools. 

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MiSEN Logo

The Michigan Statewide Educational Network (MiSEN) has brought 10 Gigabit internet connectivity to Michigan Intermediate School Districts (ISD) at a very low cost by purchasing consortia-based services to offer an inexpensive, reliable fiber-optic to Michigan schools.  

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MiServiceDesk provides end-user technical support for the applications and solutions available through the MAISA Service Areas. These services are available through a partnership between MAISA and the Oakland Schools Technology Services Department. 

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