SAT Task Force

In June 2015, members of GELN convened a task force of stakeholders from Michigan educational organizations to collect and create resources supporting administrators, teachers, counselors, students, and parents with implementation of the revised SAT. The SAT Task Force continues to develop resources for educators. The documents below link to source sites where you will find what you need to prepare for success.

Michigan Merit Examination MME  MDE Official State Testing Resources including SAT.

MDE-Specific Guidance for Administration of the SAT Suite of Assessments  This document provides specific policy, procedures, and tasks that are unique to Michigan accountability testing in April. It is designed to supplement College Board materials to ensure a smooth test administration.

Michigan PSAT Site  MDE Official College Board Resource Site for Michigan Implementation of PSAT at grade levels 8 through 10.

College Board K-12 Educators Page  Landing Page for teacher resources from College Board.

Spring Digital SAT Overview (Updated November 2023) Overview of the Digital SAT.

About the Digital SAT  Digital SAT overview. Explore details on test structure, alignment, and scoring.

Spring Digital SAT Overview(updated November 2023)  Overview of the Digital SAT.

Bluebook App (Preview Test items & Full Practice Tests).

Assessment Framework  Digital SAT Suite Assessment Framework.

Official Khan SAT site (Khan Academy)

Khan Resource Toolkit - Provides background and information on Khan SAT resource (College Board)

Khan SAT Test Prep Video - Tutorial walks through registration for SAT test prep overview and quiz Khan (Khan Academy)

Case Studies of Implementation

Khan Information Flyer - Overview of Khan SAT resources (College Board)

College Spring Khan Academy PPT - Provides details for signing up and logging in to Khan (College Spring)

Linking Khan Academy and College Board Student Accounts PPT

Coach Tools Flyer

K–12 Assessment Reporting Help

Counselor Workshops: Over 30 resources in 8 categories (College Board)

Counselor Webinars on the Digital SAT suite Score Reporting and BigFuture:

Counselor Webinars on the Digital SAT Suite administration:

Counselor Toolkit for the Digital SAT Suite:

Counselor Toolkit for BigFuture:

MCAN Digital SAT Suite Presentation: Presentation on the Digital SAT suite about what happened this fall, and what will happen Spring 2024.

Teacher Implementation Guide

ELA/Math Classroom Guide

These resources, developed primarily for teachers, detail the design of the digital SAT Suite, offer guidance to educators looking to incorporate test preparation for the suite as part of their classroom duties, and provide information about evidence-based instructional best practices supporting college and career readiness for all students.


This tool, developed primarily for educators, allows teachers to search for and download sets of practice SAT Suite questions targeted to their lesson plans. Teachers can apply multiple filters to the question bank to find the kind of questions they want. The SSQB is updated with digital SAT Suite content.

Essential Instructional Practices for grades 6 through 12  

Expert research suggests that 10 sets of practices outlined in this document can have a positive impact on both literacy development and conceptual learning of content. The consistent use of these practices in every Michigan classroom can make a measurable, positive difference in student learning and improve the state’s literacy achievement.

Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy grades 6 to 12 Resource Hubs

The purpose of the Resource Hubs Drive folder is to support ISD/RESA/RESD consultants, teacher leaders, professional development facilitators, and teachers as they implement disciplinary literacy instructional practices in their districts, schools, and classrooms. This document is not meant to replace teacher collaboration and discussions; rather, it is intended to support those conversations. It is the hope of the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force members that teachers will engage in collaborative inquiry cycles around areas of practice that best fit teachers' current context. Starting points will vary depending on grade level, subject area, current initiatives, and other contextual factors.

Essential Practices Beyond the Core Guide and Resources

To better support educators working in these important (and often marginalized) content areas, a team of teacher educators and consultants – supported by a professional learning community of classroom teachers – is developing The Disciplinary Literacy Essentials, Beyond the Core as a complement to the Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy: Grades 6 to 12.

Essential School-Wide Practices in Disciplinary Literacy: Grades 6 to 12

The purpose of this document is to increase Michigan’s capacity to improve adolescents' literacy by identifying effective practices that can be implemented at the organizational level in secondary schools. To meet the needs of all learners, organizational practices must support literacy development in ways that systematically impact learning throughout schools.

SAT Math Reference Information

The following reference information is provided for you on the test. This information will be more helpful to you if you take time to be sure you understand all of it before the test. The tutorials at can help you brush up on any topics you feel unsure about.

SAT Suite of Assessments Skills Insight Tool 

Skills Insight™ helps test takers make productive use of their digital SAT® Suite scores. In this tool, you can view Skills Insight statements that show what test takers in particular Reading and Writing and Math section score ranges typically know and can do.

Digital SAT Calculator Policy

Getting Started: Desmos Graphing Calculator

Digital PSAT, NMSQT, and SAT Demos Version

Students may use their own approved calculator on test day or take advantage of the graphing calculator built directly into the testing application. If you choose to bring your own calculator to use throughout the Math section, there's more to it than making sure you’ve got a fresh set of batteries.

Desmos version of graphing calculator embedded in the SAT Suite of Assessments.



These questions illustrate the range of skills and knowledge on the digital SAT Suite tests as well as the response formats used (multiple-choice and, for select Math questions, student produced response).


Students can take full-length digital practice tests directly in the digital testing application, allowing them to get the full digital SAT Suite experience while familiarizing themselves with test content. Practice tests for the PSAT-related assessments are available through the Blue Book App. Full-length linear paper and pencil practice test forms are also available from College Board as downloadable PDFs. These forms are recommended only for students who will require paper based accommodations on test day.


Students can log on to Khan Academy® and prepare for the digital SAT test questions and receive feedback, including answer explanations. In addition to providing test preparation activities, Khan Academy offers students a range of high-quality skill and knowledge building activities, including numerous videos and articles that target specific areas where students might need additional support.

GELN ISD Train the Trainer Digital PSAT/SAT Transition Training
This is the recording of the full-day virtual session for ISD GELN directors, content consultants, data and assessment individuals, or anyone providing support and guidance to local school districts regarding the transition to the digital PSAT and SAT test.




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Kathy Miller

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Emily McEvoy